Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Check out our latest Newsletter!

Hi there, Hope you are well. It’s that time again. Just a quick update on what’s been going on at the clinic, what new, any changes etc. We hope you find it informative.

Introducing Laser Lipo Laser Lipo is essentially a completely non-invasive and painless procedure that works by focusing a low level laser on the top layers of your skin to quickly liquefy stubborn areas of unwanted fat underneath. Unlike conventional liposuction however, the resulting fat, water and glycerol are then released into the body to be absorbed naturally by the body’s lymphatic system or burned off as energy through exercise.
It's a quick, simple, safe, and yet highly effective procedure that is taking the weight loss industry by storm, not only by producing some quite remarkable inch loss results, but also by re-educating clients in how to maintain a slimmer, healthier lifestyle.
For more info, or to book a free consultation please call the clinic on 01908 395 031.

Cheque paymentsUnfortunately, with immediate effect we will no longer be able to accept cheque payments. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Congratulations Claire For those of you that aren’t on Facebook, our lovely Claire left on maternity leave at the end of June. We are delighted to inform you she had a beautiful baby girl and both mum and baby are doing really well. Thank you to those of you that have sent in cards and messages to her, we have passed them all on.

Welcome KellySince Claires’ departure, we have a new addition to the Bodilight team. Kelly joined us at the beginning of July and has been a hit already with our clients. Kelly is a fully qualified Beauty therapist with massage and holistic treatments being her area of speciality. So next time you book for one of our more relaxing/pampering treatments be sure to request her. We highly

Bodilight Osteopathy ClinicTammy McCreadie will be joining Bodilight Osteopathy Clinic during September.  Tammy is a qualified and registered osteopath, massage therapist and reflexologist who also works in two clinics in Cambridge.  She will be taking over our MK clinic whilst Sally is on annual leave and will be happy to help with any back & neck pain, sports injuries, work related strain, pregnancy discomfort and any general aches, pains and niggles you may have.  Please book you appointments on the usual number or speak to one of our team for further information.

Cancellation PolicyWe wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about our cancellation policy. As a courtesy to other clients and our staff, please ensure that you provide at least 24 hours notice to cancel or amend an appointment. If you fail to provide 24 hours notice we will have no choice but to charge you a 50% fee. This is not something we want to enforce, however recently we have been let down several times by various clients for relatively long appointments, staff and equipment are then left idle. I am sure you can see our frustration especially, when we have turned other people away because there was no available appointments.  So, please, please, please contact the clinic in plenty of time if you want to change or cancel an appointment.

Environ There is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to achieving healthy, beautiful skin. The best way to achieve a healthy skin is to start using genuine skincare from a young age. Environ cosmeceutical skin care range is designed to repair, protect and maintain healthy skin. The majority of products are preservative and fragrance free and contain the highest quality ingredients. The key ingredients of the products is active levels of Vitamin A, C & E which increase in strength and effectiveness as you move through the range. Extensive medical research and trials have shown that vitamin A has a corrective effect on skin, smoothing it and softening and protecting it from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and free radicals. Its most important activity is to normalise the skin. It promotes the production of healthy collagen and elastin and improves the skin's natural moisture, leading to healthy, younger-looking skin.
Environ skin care (treatments and products) will help to address any of the following concerns:

·        Anti aging
·        Lines and wrinkles
·        Pigmentation
·        Scarring
·        Uneven texture
·        Dry or dehydrated
·        Oily skin
·        Acne or congested skin
·        Dull/sluggish skin
·        Sensitive skin
·        Broken capillaries
·        High colour
·        Loss of elasticity

Following a detailed consultation, a personalised programme combining homecare products and facial treatments can be devised and agreed upon. Certain skin conditions are easier to treat than others but many skin conditions will see an excellent improvement in a short space of time, however, some skin conditions will take commitment, time and patience.

Exclusive skin analysis eventsOnce every 3 months Bodilight will be holding a skin analysis event. The event will be hosted by a Skin expert from the iiaa (international institute for anti aging) who will carry out a specialist skin consultation using the latest technology to analyse your skin. The event will be completely FREE, however a small deposit will be requested to secure your booking – this is because the each event will only accommodate 8 clients. Our first skin analysis event is scheduled for 8th November 2011. If you are interest or would like to secure yourself a slot, please call the clinic a.s.a.p on 01908 395031.

Clinic EtiquetteWe would like to respectfully request that when possible young children/babies are not brought into the clinic whilst you are having treatment. We understand that this is not always an option, so if you have no choice but to bring a minor with you, please ensure that there is someone available to supervise your child whilst you are having your treatment. Unfortunately children are not allowed in some of our treatment rooms and whilst our staff are happy to keep an eye on them if they can, we can not guarantee that there will be anyone available to do so. One of the reasons for requesting no minors at the clinic is due to the disruption/noise that is caused whilst relaxing treatments are taking place. We do hope that we are not offending anyone by asking this.

Trans gatheringDelia via her company “Delia’s Trans Advisory” and with the support of Bodilight is planning to hold a monthly ‘Trans’ gathering, this will be held within Milton Keynes, using a village hall type location (yet to be confirmed). For all those who are Trans or family and friends of someone who is Trans and would like to be added to the invite list then please let Delia know at

New treatmentsWe would love to hear from you with any suggestions of treatments that you would like to see at Bodilight. Please be sure to tell us either in person, Facebook, email or by phone. If we have enough demand for any treatment we will aim to introduce it to the clinic.

Facebook Update
We have now reached over 600 hundred “likes” on our Bodilight Facebook page and by way of a thank you to all of you who support and follow us on there, we are giving away a FREE £5 gift voucher. So, if you have not already “liked” our Bodilight Facebook page, then it is not too late. Simply search for “Bodilight” and look for the female black and white image as the profile picture. Print your voucher
and use against the treatment of your choice.

August Offers:This month we are running 7 amazing offers- Wow! We are sure there is something for everyone, so please be sure to tell your friends and family. Here they are: (terms and conditions apply, please ask staff for full details)
·        50% off Laser hair removal (new areas only)
·        Laser Lipo £850 for 8 sessions, usually £1200
·        Fake Bake spray tan 2 for £35 (usually £25 each)
·        6 x cellulite treatments include a Body profile cream ONLY £299
·        Shellac Nails –  Pay for your toes and get your hands half price. (Usually £28 each)
·        3 x skin peels £99 (usually £59 each)
·        Botox and fillers from £99 for new clients / 20% off for existing
Hope to see you at the clinic soon!

t: 01908 395 031  f:01908 605 495